Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Exhaust Hood Technical Support

Commercial Restaurant Exhaust Hoods Get Top Tech Support at HoodMart

Whatever happened to customer service?
For commercial restaurant exhaust hood owners, it's back!

HoodMart, America's One-Stop Exhaust Hood Shop is excited to announce the launch of its New Technical Support and Installation Department. Services are now available to both restaurant owners and professional exhaust hood installers, when purchasing or planning to purchase commercial restaurant exhaust hood systems.

Those who have done it in the past know that purchasing an exhaust hood system can sometimes be a very difficult process for the restaurant and food service owner. Questions regarding what do we need? What size? What paperwork must I have for approval? Who will do the install? These are just a few of the maze of questions that are asked every day before making that all important final hood purchase decision.

The HoodMart Technical Support and Installation Department is very proud of its highly experienced staff, ready and willing to answer all customer technical and installation questions.

"When you purchase commercial hood systems from HoodMart you receive a direct phone line to the technical support and installation department, where professionals are waiting to answer all of your questions", said Pat Ranch.